
Generation Muesli:

We are being invaded by packages and boxes carefully sealed with vacuum.

Lately, natural products are being vacuumized too. Starting with a big one, like, aloe vera... everything is aloe nowadays. Anyway, not only natural, or any other kind of products, are being sealed and selled like this... emotions are also being processed by this mean.

Emptiness is being selected and transmitted like a disease. The emptiness of space, time, moments within time, moments within space. Everything is empty now, even sex is being transformed in a vacuum package. I don't mean voratious, angry and sweaty sex. I mean sex with no passion, with no belief.

EXAMPLE: contemporary commercial pornography... it's sooooo sad.

Explicit cocks and cunts with no joy in between. They are to me as this bar, this MUESLI BAR, empty, with no fat, no calories and eeeeextra light.

I bet you, in 50 years from now, planet earth will be this gigantic package filled with vacuum and emptiness.


Blogger zirumbi said...

es um tono

4/7/08 16:24  

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